I return... I am back... Sorry for lack of updates! I have had lots happening, but also not much. After making my Etsy store, I caught a cold for a week. Also Teezr came out! I still have to set up my shop there though! I hope to do that this weekend if I can! I have also been considering joining Top OC on Instagram, but I am unsure who to sign up with! But probably Horsey and 15 Minutes...
Mentally I have not been well! I am not sure what disorder is messing up my brain, just that there must be one. I keep feeling waves of misery wash over me after every surge of motivation and excitement. I can draw so much and then find myself unable to. My mood rises and sinks like a directionless fish.
Sometimes I have a fully render 8 comic panels night and its followed by a make a bandage using two pads night.
I think I just overthink too much. I'm not sure how to have normal relationships with people. I am either really scared or completely detached. Either way, it isn't very fun!
I hope to update this site with something more interesting soon, I am just not entirely sure what.